Shape to Fabrication Workshop – WS04: Grasshopper on the web: Developing Web Applications with Rhino.Compute and Vue
April 15
Click here to know the time of the event in your time zone
April 14 @ 11:00 pm - 10:59 pm (Not set)
£75 – £200

WS04 – one of the Shape to Fabrication 2025 Workshops taking place the day before the Shape to Fabrication Conference.
In this ‘Grasshopper on the web: Developing Web Applications with Rhino.Compute and Vue’ workshop you will learn to build a custom web interface for real-time control and display of Grasshopper definitions on the web. In the workshop, you will discover how to prepare your Grasshopper scripts to run on the web using Rhino.Compute. You will also delve into the basics of Vue.js, a user-friendly web framework that allows you to create beautiful and reusable web interfaces for controlling your Grasshopper definition inputs.
For more information on the workshop visit the link on the Shape to Fabrication workshop where you’ll also find the booking link and attendee pre-requisites.