Shape to Fabrication Workshop – WS11: Integrated Design for Robotic 3D Printing
April 15
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April 14 @ 11:00 pm - 10:59 pm (Not set)

Shape to Fabrication Workshop WS11: Integrated Design for Robotic 3D Printing. One of the STF 2025 Workshop series.
This workshop is delivered by a team from Zaha Hadid Architects.
Architectural Geometry (AG) focuses on the synthesis of shapes that guarantee structural and fabrication optimality. It is also closely aligned with and complementary to the development of robotic and digital fabrication (RDF) technologies and design methods. The workshop will explore the relevance of this state-of-the-art design and construction paradigm in the realm of complex, multi-objective, precision manufactured, computational geometry projects.
Specifically, the workshop is a collaborative design exercise exploring the design space of topologies that seeks synergies of tacit mesh modelling with computational form-finding, 3d printing, and mass customisation of a kit of parts for architectural prototyping. The workshop will provide a hands-on, introductory experience to prepare for both the imminent future of architectural design and construction and architectural practise.
More information and booking details at the link.