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Shape to Fabrication Workshop – WS10: From Script to Deploy: Integrating Automation in Rhino Plugin Development

April 15


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April 14 @ 11:00 pm - 10:59 pm (Not set)

£75 – £200

WS10: From Script to Deploy: Integrating Automation in Rhino Plugin Development. One of the Shape to Fabrication 2025 Workshops.

Rhino has a lot of tools to get users started with scripting their own functionality. But what happens when these user turned developers start having users of their own? How do they deploy their tools to these users?

In this workshop we will cover a suite of tools, including the new Rhino Script Editor, the Rhino.Testing project for Automated Testing, and the Yak interface to Rhino’s Plugin Manager. The new Script Editor allows users to create plugins from C# scripts, Python scripts, and GH definitions. Used together, these tools allow Rhino plugin developers to create automated continuous integration and development pipelines which allow them to focus on writing code!

More info and booking details in the link!


April 15
£75 – £200
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United Kingdom